Preservation Pub was great--it's a bar in an old part of town (walking distance to our hotel), on a pedestrian-only square with a lot of other little shops, restaurants, etc. Kind of like the commons in Ithaca.
As promised, Eric had us on the guest list. The show was terrific and had a chance to meet and chat with both bands throughout the evening. Nice folks. Also met a very interesting homeless guy named either Tim or Anthony (that changed from minute to minute) who decided that Ron looked just like some DJ from Ohio named Daddy Wags and proceeded to call him that all night. Met a guy who works as a river guide, too--interesting stories from working all over the US and South America. Also attending were some of our favorite DJs from WDVX (which Barbara and I listen too all day at work)--Red Hickey, Tony Lawson, and Matt Morelock. Had a chance to meet all of them as well.
After the show, which ended around midnight, everything on the square was closed. We were starving--hadn't eaten since leaving Memphis that morning. Came back to the hotel, but valet service was closed, so we could get our car only if we could find it, basically. Ended up getting delivery from a local Italian place, which turned out to be really good and a lot less hassle than wandering around a parking ramp trying to track down the car. A few games of Yahtzee later, it was nite-nite for us.